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What is abundance? What does that mean to you?

I remember the day I prayed for abundance and what that word meant to me.

I was laying in a hotel room at a conference for the company I work for and was SICK- AS- A- DOG!!! I had missed the whole first day of the conference because my migraine was so bad I couldn’t sit my head up without getting nauseaus. It was quite awful really. I had spent the day sleeping and feeling sorry for myself because all of the sweet women I had waited to see for over a year were out having fun, and I was stuck in bed unable to “play” with them all.

I was given the sweetest silver lining in my room mate. I had no intentions of having a roommate this time around, however one of our coaches needed a place to stay, so I offered my room to her. She was precious in taking care of me, and making sure I got what I needed the whole trip.

Anyway, back to my abundance prayer...I finally felt good enough to stay awake and talk to her, so as we were talking about the events, and planning our next strategies in business, I mentioned to her that I had prayed for abundance. I had never really thought of that word before that day as being something I would wish for my family and friends, yet...there I was praying for it.

She and I started talking about what that meant and how different it looks to everyone. I can picture everything about the room, the day, and the situation like it was was 2 years ago.

So, here I sit at my desk, thinking about that word and what it means for our family. Life looks very different today that it did 2 years ago in a few ways, however feeling grateful for the abundance HE provides each day for us is still incredible to me.

The word abundance to me means having enough….enough of whatever you need in your life.

A roof over our heads that we all share in good health together

Our needs met so that we don’t go without

Our children being kind and thriving in school

Our marriage feeling happy and healthy

Parents that are healthy and thriving in retirement

Grandparents that are still alive to be able to share life with

Jobs that afford us to work out of the house while our kids are young enough to still need us

Kids that enjoy our company

Friends that we enjoy laughing with

The opportunity to love on those that need us

There are so many little things that fit the role of abundance in our lives. I pray everyday for that abundance to continue to shower us with gratitude.

Living in abundance is living our best life, TOGETHER!!!!!

XO Steph

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