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12 things I've learned parenting an Anxious Child

1- Prepare her

Since she was tiny, she has always needed to know the schedule, what’s happening next and what to expect! It helps her brain prepare for the what if’s!

2- Patience

I’ve learned more lately that me staying patient and calm keeps her from getting more anxious and upset! If she thinks I’m upset then she begins to worry about that on top of the other issues.

3- Acknowledgement

In the past I have tried to “push it away” like it would just go away on its own, however acknowledging that she’s feeling it has helped her rationalize and be able to love on

4-Staying calm

This one can be hard, yet staying calm seems to help! Not getting mad, or dismissing that she’s concerned, anxious or worried! And believe me, it’s hard sometimes!

5- Asking how I can help/Communication

Offering help in the situation instead of letting her just sit in her worry seems to help as well! It lets her know I’m offering support and am willing to help ease her anxiety if she’ll let me. We talk alot during those times and communicate with one another on ways to “fix: the problem.

6- Essential oils

Using oils of various kinds can help with the feeling! It calms the nerves, relaxes her and allows her to think in a clear space

7- Prayer and scripture

She has found that reading her bible, using her bible app and prayer have helped calm her heart when she is feeling all the anxious feelings.

8- CBD oil

Although she has not tried it, I know that it has helped calm me and my anxious days. It is specifically for calming the endocannabinoid system in our bodies.

9- Journaling and choosing a grateful mindset

Writing seems to calm her mind when thoughts are swirling. I know from my own personal journey it has helped me to write down each day what is on my mind, as well as seeing the good in everyday. We can get so caught up in our own thoughts that we lose perspective, so choosing a grateful mindset helps.

10- Physical movement or sports

Moving her body and mind forward help to clear that negative space. This one can be hard, because if you are a worrier as well as anxious, you can overthink the sports aspect of it. This usually works itself out, and having that physical activity keeps her positive. This too has helped in my own mindset and health. When we exercise, it releases endorphins that naturally create a happier feeling.

11- Nutrition

This one seems crazy, yet when she eats well, her mind functions more clear. When she has eaten lots of sugar, processed foods, and junk..her headspace seems to feel more clouded and cannot process thoughts well. It also affects her mood and attitude towards how she will handle the situation.

12- Rest

This one is huge!!! Getting plenty of rest and relaxation time helps with not only over thinking, it brings happiness into the brain, lowers our cortisol level which is regulated by stress, and helps our body heal from the stress we place upon it.

I have so much more to learn, however growing with her has helped me as a parent realize that anxiety and worry are just part of some peoples DNA, and how we react to the situation as a parent can in turn dictate the outcome. If you have any tips, please feel free to share. We all learn through one another.

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